About Vitamin Outlet / Fitness Systems
Dear Sports, Strength, and Health Enthusiasts,
Thank you for your interest in our top-quality fitness systems “Sports Edge” line and other lines of vitamins and supplements at wholesale and discount prices!
Serving customers worldwide since 1985, The Vitamin Outlet/Fitness Systems offers only the best 100% natural supplements at substantial savings and convenient delivery!
We are sure you will be especially pleased with our exclusive “Sports Edge” supplement line due to its unsurpassed quality at wholesale and discount prices!
The Vitamin Outlet/Fitness Systems
The Vitamin Outlet / Fitness Systems
PO BOX 2073
Sinking Spring, PA 19608
Phone Orders
1-800-967-1827 (6:00am – 10:00pm EST)
1-800-822-9995 (Questions) or 610-670-0135
Fax Orders
1-800-461-3979 (ORDERS ONLY PLEASE)
or 610-670-0135
FREE SHIPPING available!
$8 Flat Rate for All Orders from $40 to $149.99
$12 Flat Rate for All Orders Under $40
Phone Orders 1-800-967-1827
Questions? 1-800-822-9995
6:00am to 10:00pm EST